Catalan lyrics:
Son lleuger, Dràcula.
No vull dormir massa.
Nit, dia, tant se val.
Poc descans no està mal.
La vida dura poc.
és veritat?
No és veritat?
La vida dura poc.
és veritat?
No és veritat?
Son lleuger, Dràcula.
No vull dormir massa.
Dorment de son lleuger.
Dorment de son lleuger.
Dorment de son lleuger.
La vida dura poc.
és veritat?
No és veritat?
La vida dura poc.
és veritat?
No és veritat?
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English translation:
Light sleep, Dracula.
I don't want to sleep too much.
Night, day, it doesn't matter.
Little rest is not bad.
Life lasts little.
Is it true?
Is it not true?
Life lasts little.
Is it true?
Is it not true?
Light sleep, Dracula.
I don't want to sleep too much.
Sleeper of light sleep.
Sleeper of light sleep.
Sleeper of light sleep.
Life lasts little.
Is it true?
Is it not true?
Life lasts little.
Is it true?
Is it not true?