


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] Always come back to your love attachment 晓梦_1943 2009-11-10 91947 kyy1225a 2014-6-10 21:37:02
[翻唱] Nicki翻唱Both of us(Feat. Loki) attachment SweetieSwifty 2012-12-29 41190 qwertyuiop1544 2014-6-10 19:42:12
[公告] 谁和俺唱CA跟Blake的《just a fool》啊。。诚寻男声呀嘛嘿~!  ...2 韩小露 2013-4-3 104359 qwertyuiop1544 2014-6-10 19:37:42
[翻唱] 【英】Let it go attachment 圣雨轻纱 2014-6-7 12212 月璃茉 2014-6-9 16:42:17
[翻唱] 4 my town attachment dannyg0912 2014-6-5 11018 阿百川啊飒飒 2014-6-7 21:34:07
[翻唱] part of me attachment jsiods 2014-6-7 01731 jsiods 2014-6-7 15:00:16
[翻唱] you and i attachment jsiods 2014-6-5 11474 心弦£独奏 2014-6-7 08:56:51
[翻唱] OASIS的LIVE FOREVER......... attachment Complicated 2012-6-19 31611 心弦£独奏 2014-6-7 08:53:16
[翻唱] don't know why attachment 爱的和谐 2014-6-3 32024 bepciara 2014-6-6 22:39:50
[翻唱] 大U - A Beautiful Mess attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 yokarne 2010-1-11 7015939 andyaf 2014-6-5 14:59:03
[翻唱] life goes on attachment dannyg0912 2014-6-4 11010 子山居士 2014-6-5 10:49:36
[翻唱] We will rock you From 褩禪 attachment freedompc 2013-2-20 21147 韩小露 2014-6-3 13:23:12
[翻唱] oasis new ===wonderwall attachment curtrose 2009-5-1 92146 玛芮安妮 2014-6-3 11:43:45
[翻唱] √Don't know why---诺拉琼斯。我的翻唱 attachment  ...23 xiaoxi1004 2007-6-6 205386 泡泡咖啡 2014-5-30 16:28:51
[翻唱] Single Ladies attach_img shirleyfox 2014-5-29 01187 shirleyfox 2014-5-29 11:11:09
[翻唱] apologiza 女生摇滚版,带暴力。 attachment  ...2 jiajing1314520 2014-1-20 122672 AllByMyself 2014-5-28 17:20:23
[翻唱] 现场录制的listen~~这么高的音一直不敢碰啊~~~ attachment  ...2 heso32 2014-5-7 193027 AllByMyself 2014-5-28 17:19:00
[翻唱] Justin Bieber - Heartbreaker attachment orange12 2014-5-19 41504 luojin713 2014-5-28 12:18:12
[翻唱] √Thriller - Michael Jackson agree  ...2 ludaokai 2007-7-10 194778 Testament 2014-5-27 15:59:10
[翻唱] Wonderful tonight - Michael buble自制和声~哈哈 attachment  ...23 乐乐晓鱼 2010-6-25 233866 mikewang0 2014-5-26 17:47:46
[翻唱] 最新翻唱Wonderful Tonight attachment opymdnatz 2013-11-12 4884 mikewang0 2014-5-26 17:46:43
[翻唱] 最新翻唱Wonderful Tonight attachment opymdnatz 2013-10-31 91210 mikewang0 2014-5-26 17:45:21
[翻唱] 纪念MJ逝世3周年,翻唱Man In The Mirror attach_img  ...2 henryjackson 2012-6-25 143360 文少同學 2014-5-26 16:28:10
[翻唱] Radioactive (piano version) - originally by Imagine Dragons attachment azurelucid 2013-12-11 92426 Roman______ 2014-5-26 09:06:42
[翻唱] Bésame Mucho attachment timmyyf 2011-9-30 41695 jy2153801 2014-5-25 16:46:39
[翻唱] Viva la Vida attachment bluegate 2009-10-10 81966 wowhehe 2014-5-24 22:16:43
[翻唱] My Immortal - Evanesence(好美的曲子) attachment  ...234 jessicaok 2007-2-28 305674 maneater 2014-5-24 18:48:48
[翻唱] Colbie Caillat_Bubbly翻唱 spiderkid 2013-4-30 21183 spiderkid 2014-5-24 17:01:27
[翻唱] Call Me Maybe (originally by Carly Rae Jepsen) attachment  ...2 azurelucid 2012-8-14 185510 woshilbx 2014-5-24 06:17:25
[翻唱] Poker face-Lady GaGa attachment  ...23 kotokoyzy 2009-10-4 213051 woshilbx 2014-5-24 06:10:32
[翻唱] I knew you were trouble -taylor swift attach_img maneater 2013-6-27 71988 April_fish 2014-5-24 00:31:51
[翻唱] All of me 喜欢 JAZZ 的朋友一起交流下 attachment  ...23 SteiveFantasy 2009-11-15 254106 jy2153801 2014-5-23 17:01:42
[翻唱] Paris Ooh Lala(Grace Potter & The Nocturnals)琳の翻唱 attachment irene2070 2013-1-6 31158 hjpdsj 2014-5-23 16:04:19
[翻唱] Viva La Vida attachment 11029393 2009-6-9 61734 j_cai 2014-5-22 11:37:09
[翻唱] And I am tellin' U.....I'm not going - KTV LIVE attachment 水晶蝴蝶 2014-5-12 11518 thebestjackey 2014-5-21 19:07:22
[翻唱] I Do (RJ ft. AZ) - originally by Colbie Caillat 祝小克克生日快乐! attachment  ...2 azurelucid 2011-8-8 165543 sjxu0520 2014-5-21 18:29:53
[翻唱] ※※※You and me- bossa nova小品※※※ attachment dondonfish 2011-6-4 52843 sjxu0520 2014-5-21 18:24:13
[翻唱] Every breath you take--BOSSA NOVA,敬请点评~! attachment seven-47 2009-11-3 51785 sjxu0520 2014-5-21 18:17:31
[翻唱] Let it go 男版 高音唱死人我了。 attachment  ...2 insenchen 2014-4-18 133261 heguohui 2014-5-21 16:31:27
√[翻唱]第一次唱爵士,只是很喜欢的歌home多支持  ...2 阿迪网球鞋 2006-8-8 173476 fuzhen 2014-5-20 10:45:17

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