


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 明天过后,我们都一样 attach_img kissingboy 2012-4-16 61681 mxttxwd123 2014-12-29 22:11:35
[翻唱] Lana Del Rey - Yound and Beautiful attachment 猫太子 2014-12-29 01037 猫太子 2014-12-29 08:49:10
[翻唱] someone like you attachment heatlevel  ...23 爱的和谐 2012-3-19 223880 麦秸君 2014-12-28 20:04:30
[翻唱] "Halo"一分半钟Demo attachment  ...2 jay5275385 2009-2-28 163000 乌托邦子 2014-12-28 18:01:59
[翻唱] 自制伴奏演唱卡百利乐队never grow old attachment heatlevel  ...23 COCTEAU虫 2011-2-6 275879 twl521 2014-12-28 00:45:53
[翻唱] √★MPT☆ ATW ★ Even heaven cries attachment  ...234 唐棠初 2007-8-3 317167 fax 2014-12-26 21:21:06
[翻唱] 打雷-yound and beautiful attachment zwqady_001 2014-12-19 21299 zwqady_001 2014-12-26 17:32:32
[翻唱] 马桶帅哥 精品 HALO (Beyonce Cover) attachment  ...2 马桶帅哥 2009-9-11 193585 liuliumy 2014-12-26 14:36:12
[翻唱] 圣诞快乐大家!JINGLE BELL ROCK|BILLY GILMAN 有点狼外婆 慎入!! attachment  ...2 JOSSIE 2011-12-22 143484 Guitis 2014-12-26 14:31:57
[翻唱] Michael Buble-Everything 献给一个人过情人节的朋友们 attachment henryjackson 2011-2-15 81627 vitas520 2014-12-24 19:08:44
[翻唱] Everything - Michael Buble attachment firec 2009-1-23 71472 Guitis 2014-12-23 17:53:45
[翻唱] Everything - Michael Buble attachment firec 2009-2-7 81666 mandonggua 2014-12-23 16:44:51
[翻唱] 无病呻吟第二版halo`这次的比赛感触很深~任何打击都会成为我前进的动力!! heatlevel  ...2345 无病呻吟 2010-2-20 418316 Guitis 2014-12-23 13:29:57
[翻唱] 最新翻唱Seasons in the sun attachment opymdnatz 2013-11-9 41041 方寸山 2014-12-23 11:41:19
[翻唱] 圣诞第一蛋 - My Grown up Christmas List attachment  ...2 水晶蝴蝶 2013-12-19 112943 EdwardTorres 2014-12-22 13:15:02
[翻唱] 跟同学合唱,献上Michael buble 老歌一首《baby you've got what it takes》.....超赞的蓝调 attachment  ...2 dennis30 2011-12-26 102748 embalm910420 2014-12-22 12:48:36
[翻唱] 翻唱爵士经典~Norah Jones《Don't know why》求后期指导…… attachment heatlevel  ...234 寒雪琪琪 2012-4-29 356937 aidi88 2014-12-22 10:14:08
[翻唱] 翻唱一首老歌 Smile attachment chur096 2012-4-18 82050 mathsdaniel 2014-12-20 10:39:10
[翻唱] superwoman attachment 爱的和谐 2014-12-18 11672 Guitis 2014-12-19 22:43:28
[翻唱] Makes me wonder.第一次发歌.请大家多指教! attachment huyimin159 2008-9-21 21319 Guitis 2014-12-19 22:39:40
[翻唱] 【哥特摇滚/伊凡塞斯】My immortal(Band Version) attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 01244 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 18:13:52
[翻唱] [七夕情人节合唱/Craig David]Unbelievable attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 01219 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 18:06:38
[翻唱] 【音乐剧名曲】Don t cry for me Argentina attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 01137 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 18:03:05
[翻唱] 【独立流行/打雷姐】Video Games attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 01284 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 17:55:16
[翻唱] ·【Jazz/王若琳】As love begins to mend attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 01245 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 17:38:49
[翻唱] HALO--Beyonce 09 Vegas Live版! attachment  ...2 irene2070 2010-12-22 102562 16826213 2014-12-18 14:53:08
[翻唱] Halo-Beyonce attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 kotokoyzy 2009-6-28 11820663 16826213 2014-12-18 14:49:37
[翻唱] RL-Crawling...很久没吼LinkinPark了! 来听听! attachment 6261501 2014-12-13 81840 新的一天 2014-12-18 10:55:23
[翻唱] Home attachment  ...2 半入黄土 2014-11-19 111615 jianglei1989104 2014-12-17 21:33:48
[翻唱] √★★世纪最强情歌对唱《ENDLESS LOVE》★★ attachment  ...234 djcrin 2007-3-24 386138 jianglei1989104 2014-12-17 21:29:57
[翻唱] 【灵魂乐/Duffy】Endlessly attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-17 0973 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-17 16:22:19
[翻唱] Blow-----终于鼓起勇气把Bee姐的这首骚歌给唱了!!! attachment cravenspice 2014-10-1 51467 veronicapink 2014-12-17 15:26:16
[翻唱] 【爵士/诺拉·琼斯】Those sweet words attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-17 0733 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-17 15:17:33
[翻唱] 【独立民谣】The power of love attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-17 0729 SweetieSwifty 2014-12-17 14:09:34
[翻唱] Fly like a bird——最近总是喜欢老歌,经典的歌词!!! attachment cravenspice 2014-12-16 0703 cravenspice 2014-12-16 19:01:37
[翻唱] 附件更新!!!Lady Marmalade--大U, Adell, TC, 呜呼, 小时 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 tremble 2009-3-14 15229394 queena8486 2014-12-15 23:48:56
[翻唱] √(拜年啦)MU-Q\JOJO-Q齐心合力也没成功翻唱的TIMELESS送给大家 attachment agree jijiojijio 2007-2-21 62381 尘埃 2014-12-15 11:24:57
[翻唱] Have yourself a merry little Christmas!! 圣诞快乐!! attachment JANH 2014-12-15 0895 JANH 2014-12-15 10:00:21
[翻唱] 【Christmas time is here】 attachment dondonfish 2014-12-15 01114 dondonfish 2014-12-15 02:38:28
[翻唱] Three Days Grace-<Riot>疯狂翻唱,吼出血了都~ attachment 魃斗妖 2014-11-3 51464 魃斗妖 2014-12-15 00:45:55

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