


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
√[代发] WHEN YOU’RE GONE 论坛两位神秘实力唱将喔~~  ...23456 wooohu 2006-11-2 5911543 rainbow心 2010-1-3 21:23:06
[翻唱] Feedback attachment  ...2 弦外之ào 2008-8-14 152354 弦外之ào 2010-1-3 20:08:13
[翻唱] 强节奏说唱(绝对经典原创) attachment limpbizkit1988 2010-1-1 81767 zombienaonao 2010-1-3 18:50:17
[翻唱] 『I nvented Sex』m80.ft.Banny attachment 亦黛 2009-11-9 92115 茶树菇 2010-1-3 17:02:18
√[翻唱]You make me wanna----修改过的~大家快来听啊!!!!  ...23 davidjarmstrong 2006-7-1 294736 eska 2010-1-3 14:58:05
[翻唱] what took you so long - emma bunton - Andy.H~ attachment savagemuer 2007-7-30 71638 tarcytao1982 2010-1-3 14:24:31
[翻唱] 【笔记本青年】帮忙混的!!我很喜欢这感觉的 emma bunton-what took you so long attachment tarcytao1982 2010-1-1 3982 tarcytao1982 2010-1-3 14:19:57
[翻唱] Fuel - Innocent,有点雷人了,大家不要笑我! attachment 丁小烦 2009-2-8 21221 丁小烦 2010-1-3 13:06:06
[翻唱] [Share the Joy] Blue Christmas-忧郁的表白 attachment agree 幽林猫 2009-12-18 71282 kylequan 2010-1-3 03:08:37
[翻唱] mariah carey H.A.T.E.U.翻唱 attachment rantan 2009-10-31 41277 Laphym 2010-1-2 23:28:36
[翻唱] √◇B.fame.F◇音乐剧《rent》系列—Light My Candle(淘气莉香&超级球迷) attachment agree  ...23 超级球迷 2007-7-25 235511 Rita_Liu 2010-1-2 22:28:35
[翻唱] [DayT] Thug N U Thug N Me Remix - 2Pac feat. K-Ci & JoJo attachment  ...2 DayT 2010-1-1 102131 amloveme 2010-1-2 20:39:04
[翻唱] 半夜吼一首 mc hero 送给仙来居所有爱音乐的heroes attachment  ...2345 维维LEE 2009-12-21 485280 tentshake 2010-1-2 19:59:36
[翻唱] 翻出以前录的歌发上来 女声翻唱Britney~toxic~~ attachment tengfei412 2010-1-1 41705 britneycc 2010-1-2 16:37:27
[翻唱] MIRACLE(whitney houston)男版 从做效果 attachment 爱的和谐 2009-12-31 21335 deandeanlu 2010-1-2 12:10:10
[翻唱] 《dream a little dream 》 jazz ~jazz O(∩_∩)O~ attachment niguangniannian 2010-1-1 61623 niguangniannian 2010-1-2 09:25:09
[翻唱] Christmas Tree attachment elva337 2009-12-27 41049 阿霞 2010-1-2 02:33:14
[翻唱] we belong together attachment jailyn 2010-1-1 31031 清霜兰儿 2010-1-2 01:21:22
[原创] oasis伴奏i_am_the_walrus.mp3希望大家喜欢 attachment curtrose 2009-3-30 41566 limpblur 2010-1-1 22:20:53
[翻唱] Have You Met Miss Jones(New_333重发) attachment new_333 2009-12-28 41691 zorro66 2010-1-1 21:35:29
√[翻唱]经典中的爵士<Summertime> 终于又能唱爵士了  ...234 dannyliangbo 2006-3-7 397888 genie_x_c 2010-1-1 19:47:02
√[翻唱]Fly me to the Moon, Classic Jazz - 请大家多多指教。  ...23 夏日的风 2006-8-31 264756 留客 2010-1-1 18:20:56
[翻唱] 新年第一弹!<This I promise U>来听听吧 attachment  ...2 justin1120 2009-1-1 101935 kevinlymon 2010-1-1 18:12:15
[翻唱] mad world (重新试唱adam 的调) attachment woshironaldo 2009-6-21 61752 zhanmei111 2010-1-1 16:11:15
[翻唱] 【英】Nature Boy《红磨坊》插曲 attachment dujuan8265 2009-12-31 61420 Wunai 2009-12-31 19:34:37
[翻唱] kill us all第一段翻唱 attachment kingyes 2009-12-28 6928 kingyes 2009-12-31 17:08:55
[翻唱] 【RJ】- In Your Mind (OA: Anggun) 一首異國風味的歌曲送給所有在十一月份生日的朋友們 attachment  ...23 kwocenting 2009-11-7 202627 kwocenting 2009-12-31 00:51:27
[翻唱] ★MP·T★睎睎NAUGHTY BOY(极度性感的游戏之作) digest  ...23456..25 睎睎 2005-10-6 24742353 frankwfy 2009-12-30 23:32:22
[翻唱] Underneath the stas----水晶蝴蝶 digest  ...23 水晶蝴蝶 2004-12-4 235260 Schrei 2009-12-30 22:47:28
√[翻唱]★MP·T★Kevin - Nothing's gonna change my love 送蕃茄的生日礼物  ...234 kevinzj 2005-11-26 386415 silverlx 2009-12-30 20:59:21
[翻唱] /wo知道我转音还是不行,reflection送上 attachment kellyclarkson 2009-11-11 41894 kellyclarkson 2009-12-30 15:29:46
[翻唱] Jazz & country 《500 Miles》敬请点评~! attachment seven-47 2009-12-10 21653 jasoncx1 2009-12-30 15:11:02
[翻唱] miracle(whiney houston) attachment 爱的和谐 2009-12-30 21026 爱你的句子 2009-12-30 14:46:55
[翻唱] [RAP] Happy Birthday ft. April, 很感人的一首Rap attachment  ...2 FoShizzo 2009-7-23 123024 Razer.熊熊 2009-12-30 14:38:32
[翻唱] [DayT] 东、西海岸,流行,匪帮,各种不同风格HIP HOP串烧 —— N多RAPPA attachment  ...23 DayT 2009-6-9 203013 Razer.熊熊 2009-12-30 14:34:07
[翻唱] Bop Bop Baby-RL献上 attachment 6261501 2009-9-13 4933 hotfs 2009-12-29 23:13:15
[翻唱] [永远的MJ] This Is It 试唱了一下. attachment  ...2 玉树临风雪 2009-12-21 122355 玉树临风雪 2009-12-29 18:41:48
[翻唱] <<BUTTON>>-PLUTOSTORY attachment plutostory 2009-10-13 71004 plutostory 2009-12-29 17:49:26
[翻唱] 【闷声版】-LOVE GAME-我爱lady gagagagaga attachment  ...2 tarcytao1982 2009-12-27 102049 tarcytao1982 2009-12-29 17:07:06
[翻唱] learn to be lonely(伪美声= =b) attachment Liz986 2009-12-28 11288 tarcytao1982 2009-12-29 16:57:05

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