


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 翻唱-pretty boy attachment ☆嘉莉☆ 2010-1-9 81094 淡白 2010-1-20 07:40:54
[翻唱] Crazy in love——很早就想尝试的歌曲了,自己改编了一下!!! attachment cravenspice 2009-10-31 61349 MercuryKing 2010-1-20 06:44:24
[翻唱] 换新麦,重录的Shania Twain-Up attachment cubic 2008-7-11 82004 宋宋公主 2010-1-20 04:39:28
[翻唱] I WANT IT THAT WAY(恩泽家庭翻唱版) attachment faceface 2008-9-20 61474 wentworth123 2010-1-20 01:30:08
[翻唱] 【I Want It That Way】-钢琴伴奏、Unplugged、Freestyle自由发挥版!!^_^ attachment lovebsb 2009-12-15 62816 wentworth123 2010-1-20 01:26:21
[翻唱] 被唱滥了的Apologize attachment bluegate 2010-1-12 71361 pcvitc 2010-1-19 23:08:14
[翻唱] 翻唱天命真女的CATER2U(BOY VERSION) attachment  ...2 woshilzy555 2009-8-7 161647 pcvitc 2010-1-19 19:08:58
[翻唱] 非常喜欢的一首【Gone】难得唱一回 attachment  ...23 四喜 2009-7-19 252410 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:29:52
[翻唱] 喜歡三年終於錄了【Good Lookin Out_Ft. Hotfs】 七夕送出甜蜜的一曲 attachment  ...23 匿名 2009-8-26 233001 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:28:07
[翻唱] 【Suffocate】 无效果Demo attachment 四喜 2009-8-24 81014 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:23:43
[翻唱] Chingy -- Pullin Me Back(Demo) attachment 四喜 2009-9-17 4956 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:21:18
[翻唱] 《as long as you love me》唱得差请见谅哈---泡泡翻唱 attachment 我有泡泡枪 2010-1-19 2926 我有泡泡枪 2010-1-19 17:18:38
[翻唱] 【Don't Worry】Live attachment 四喜 2009-9-25 81012 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:13:44
[翻唱] 重感冒也要唱【I Wanna Know】沉沉沉,拼命的沉!!|||Live无效果,2/3版 attachment  ...2 四喜 2009-8-13 131573 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:11:54
[翻唱] Ludacris Feat. Plies -- Nasty Girl attachment  ...2 匿名 2009-9-27 131614 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:07:16
[翻唱] 2Hot --【If U Leave】 attachment 匿名 2009-11-7 51113 wj301240 2010-1-19 17:05:07
[翻唱] Ignition (Remix) ft. 维维 attachment  ...2 四喜 2009-12-22 182219 wj301240 2010-1-19 16:43:34
[翻唱] endless love(无尽的爱) attachment  ...2 爱的和谐 2010-1-10 132104 zorro66 2010-1-19 14:18:53
[翻唱] Irreplaceable live attachment jlman 2010-1-19 21034 zorro66 2010-1-19 14:08:20
[翻唱] 新人新唱,hero经典翻唱。男生版。 attachment 贝多芬,别哭 2010-1-15 81915 kingmok 2010-1-19 12:03:59
[翻唱] 《遇见》英文版《by my side》 attachment  ...2 xiaoyuetinghuan 2009-12-20 172919 pcvitc 2010-1-18 20:22:55
[翻唱] 【Jessie ft. Susan】-Lovefool attachment tarcytao1982 2010-1-17 3903 wooohu 2010-1-18 18:42:39
[翻唱] behide blue eyes - limb bizkit jujumiaojun2 2006-10-16 52177 zombienaonao 2010-1-18 15:29:55
[翻唱] ◣◢ Back To Basics " back to me..." attachment ベ○韻韻子 2009-7-12 61581 chambek 2010-1-18 15:19:23
[翻唱] 【Adell生日海皮!!!】Haven't met you yet - Michael Bublé 快來猜猜我是誰~哈哈 attachment  ...2345 I'm马甲 2009-11-6 436843 hjqaiyz 2010-1-18 15:18:02
[翻唱] √Rainbow - MC attachment agree  ...23 adonis 2007-4-16 284894 kingmok 2010-1-18 14:53:05
[翻唱] five for fighting "Chances" attachment zihaizi 2010-1-18 21052 yuanbaoty 2010-1-18 13:55:17
√[翻唱]yellow(要糟蹋就糟蹋经典的东西)  ...2 264264 2006-9-20 183720 venture 2010-1-18 13:54:14
[翻唱] [Share the Joy] Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.fyi[宇多田光] attachment agree lx9000730 2009-12-20 31722 妮莎 2010-1-18 04:37:23
[翻唱] Fever attachment  ...2 nitedemon 2007-5-15 102482 busted1026 2010-1-17 15:59:44
[翻唱] oo00抒情rap--You were my everything00oo attachment nikkibuny 2009-10-7 51562 nikkibuny 2010-1-17 15:44:14
√[翻唱]重新翻了下bad day 调整了下  ...2 lee0914 2006-8-6 162856 huboyuan26 2010-1-17 14:59:47
[翻唱] Fly me to the moon EVA版 attachment jessiej 2010-1-11 81610 jessiej 2010-1-17 02:56:58
[翻唱] Fever (幾乎毀了這首歌) attachment caochong 2009-4-15 4969 kevinlymon 2010-1-16 23:11:14
[原创] 首次原创英文RAP 希望各位别嫌弃! attachment kingyes 2010-1-15 51298 kingyes 2010-1-16 19:25:19
[公告] 【求合唱】start of something new(歌舞青春2) attachment jialan5 2009-4-13 21748 w1188t 2010-1-16 15:22:00
[翻唱] 新人额..第一次发歌 Start of something new attachment  ...2 法国猫咪 2008-8-12 122928 田馥甄 2010-1-16 13:32:39
[翻唱] 怀念下a'teen 的 好听老歌 upside down attachment nataliel 2009-9-9 81225 nataliel 2010-1-15 17:24:35
[翻唱] 好久么来仙来,好久么录歌了...SUM 41的★Pieces★ attachment 成长の烦恼  2007-11-4 51917 ericabreen 2010-1-15 16:34:52
[翻唱] CK翻唱! in the end ! attachment  ...2 limpbizkit1988 2010-1-2 102197 苍穹之桥 2010-1-15 01:35:16

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