


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] Taylor Swift 《blank space》 男版 attachment  ...2 yeile 2015-2-19 134652 wangrui110 2016-6-3 16:51:58
[翻唱] Justin Bieber|Never Say Never (demo) 有大家爱听的瑕疵,纯的~! attachment  ...2 JOSSIE 2011-9-14 103412 折原遥 2016-6-2 19:15:37
[翻唱] 音乐剧[Wicked]选段{Popular},斗胆一唱。 attachment  ...2 what 2007-6-18 135158 王建杰 2016-5-27 23:22:26
[翻唱] 【someone like you】cover by shuǎng 吉他弹唱版 attachment  ...2 shuǎng 2012-12-9 142526 kangjune 2016-5-27 23:00:27
[翻唱] Speed Demon 马璟翻唱MJ attachment mjzl888 2016-5-27 0694 mjzl888 2016-5-27 11:43:58
[翻唱] Man In The Mirror马璟翻唱MJ attachment mjzl888 2016-5-27 0648 mjzl888 2016-5-27 11:38:57
[翻唱] 好久没来了,发一首霉霉的Blank Space~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ attachment  ...2 殺手 2015-1-24 123906 Ann410 2016-5-27 11:19:54
[翻唱] √录音棚录的<<<<The voice within>>> attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..37 soveiya 2007-5-7 36455952 bloodraven 2016-5-25 11:20:48
[翻唱] Hometown Glory-最近最满意的一个翻唱了 attachment irene2070 2012-2-26 71999 笑宝999 2016-5-24 13:45:58
[翻唱] Right Here Waiting-伴奏不错 attachment 87503896 2016-5-21 41680 lu619 2016-5-23 14:00:11
[翻唱] Beyonce--sweet dream--慢版 attachment heatlevel  ...2 irene2070 2011-1-10 184210 yzlx1225 2016-5-23 10:58:33
[翻唱] 枪花的november rain和sweet child o'mine attachment 554600 2008-10-3 91976 yzlx1225 2016-5-23 10:57:25
[翻唱] 情色之歌------Talking Bodying~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ attachment 殺手 2015-3-28 92921 yzlx1225 2016-5-23 10:54:37
[翻唱] I dreamed a dream-Glee-琳の翻唱 attachment heatlevel  ...2 irene2070 2012-6-10 192767 yzlx1225 2016-5-23 06:26:01
[翻唱] 反战歌曲 Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice attachment  ...2 iandee 2008-10-11 142507 yzlx1225 2016-5-23 06:23:07
[翻唱] [Q] 2010聖誕快樂! The Christmas Song attachment  ...2 Mu-Q 2010-12-11 174793 wj158377 2016-5-21 23:36:59
[翻唱] Making Love Out Of Nothing At All attachment 半入黄土 2015-1-23 31367 wj158377 2016-5-21 23:33:54
[翻唱] White Christmas 圣诞快乐! attachment iandee 2015-12-24 41549 wj158377 2016-5-21 23:31:30
[翻唱] November Rain-枪花 attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-10 41636 marlboro_o 2016-5-21 02:13:20
[翻唱] Shake It Off...还是第一次尝试这种曲风 attachment agree  ...2 sthwind 2009-8-6 153304 shitforyou 2016-5-20 00:41:37
[翻唱] 录了个《Born to die》的Demo~~装深沉不容易啊...... attachment  ...2 ericabreen 2012-2-21 133938 2712326860 2016-5-19 21:15:58
[翻唱] 听说这相当于意大利70年代的“最炫民族风”Sarà perché ti amo-Ricchi e Poveri attachment 琳猫猫 2016-5-8 51765 2712326860 2016-5-19 21:15:00
[翻唱] √winter---- tori amos attachment agree  ...23 angeline_yang 2007-9-6 214665 乌托邦子 2016-5-18 20:25:27
[翻唱] Justin Bieber的As Long As You Love Me 自编抒情钢琴伴奏 attachment  ...2 illusions 2014-8-5 143136 小新 2016-5-15 20:58:34
[翻唱] 高完成度翻唱,mariah carey《BUTTERFLY》,千回百转... attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 Fighter123 2012-5-18 5511778 小新 2016-5-15 20:54:33
[翻唱] 翻唱一首Jamie Foxx的Heaven,one take噢 attachment  ...2 cruiser 2016-3-24 153026 小新 2016-5-15 20:51:38
[翻唱] 女声_钢琴版_vincent_献给梵高的歌 attachment spiderkid 2013-5-3 51552 小新 2016-5-15 20:48:29
[翻唱] Last Flowers(cover Radiohead) attachment liuzaitz 2016-5-1 21256 shitforyou 2016-5-14 19:21:56
[翻唱] √再来发一首 dear mr president attachment agree iandee 2007-10-28 82370 zhengwenxuan 2016-5-11 19:44:18
[翻唱] 翻唱个女生版007主题曲 Sam smith- Writing's on the wall attachment fendi8992 2015-12-8 92011 wj158377 2016-5-11 19:15:37
[翻唱] <翻唱>海阔天空 attachment  ...2 小芒 2016-2-19 122830 wj158377 2016-5-11 19:11:50
[翻唱] 高完成度翻唱MARIAH 的《FANTASY》,自己做的伴奏 attachment  ...2 Fighter123 2014-12-12 133169 shine52406 2016-5-6 21:38:46
[翻唱] 男生版EMOTIONS, 自己编的现代版伴奏。。。。 attachment heatlevel  ...234 Fighter123 2014-6-24 377290 abono 2016-5-2 21:46:44
[翻唱] 致敬Prince 翻唱Purple Rain 紫雨…… attachment djpanda 2016-4-23 61645 djpanda 2016-5-2 12:21:39
[翻唱] 翻的周杰伦的《轨迹》 attachment  ...2 wfayec 2012-1-18 122612 新的一天 2016-4-29 20:46:41
[翻唱] 东方的太阳东方的月亮 attachment alliu 2016-4-14 0767 alliu 2016-4-14 19:07:24
[翻唱] Hands To Myself (Selena Gomez Cover) attachment illusions 2016-4-10 01271 illusions 2016-4-10 22:32:17
[翻唱] Mr. Mad 男声 Gimme More(Me Against The Music) - Britney Spears (混音 Lady Gaga《love game》伴奏) attach_img Mr. Mad 2012-11-17 42076 哈弗哈尔 2016-4-7 19:52:44
[翻唱] 重磅!石头姐万岁!-【Baby Baby Baby】- Joss Stone! attachment 小乌鸦0830 2013-4-22 82620 このAmy潔儿 2016-4-6 01:05:36
[翻唱] 《Sexyback》——Justin Timberlake 某旋最费时的一首歌。。 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 hohoxfy 2010-1-14 448942 1-Empty 2016-4-5 19:51:23

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