


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] a thousand miles attachment maneater 2010-3-17 1775 zorro66 2010-3-17 12:38:00
[翻唱] A thousand miles maneater 2010-3-17 0716 maneater 2010-3-17 12:32:32
[翻唱] In the end —Linkin park attachment  ...2 艾登伯爵 2010-1-25 132806 我手写我口 2010-3-17 11:49:18
[翻唱] 挑战贾斯汀——超级男孩!深情演绎THIS I PROMISE attachment wu5tong 2010-3-10 21029 zorro66 2010-3-17 02:28:25
[翻唱] 嘻哈组合Power Max第一波--帮派说唱Welcome 2 Detroit--EMINEM FT.TRICK attachment  ...2 日番谷东狮郎 2008-11-20 103426 zorro66 2010-3-17 01:36:33
[翻唱] 继续醉酒路线 if i aint got u~(i ll kill u) attachment  ...2 维维LEE 2010-3-13 132118 zorro66 2010-3-16 23:54:42
[翻唱] Smoke gets in your eyes  ...2 ebmaker 2006-8-14 112598 kk352863185 2010-3-16 22:41:56
[翻唱] Listen低仿BEYONCE一小段视听(歌曲+人声) attachment jlman 2010-3-14 51127 akiras07 2010-3-16 22:07:12
[翻唱] 白白 SilentTheYears attachment  ...23 淡白 2010-3-3 233894 enyacat 2010-3-16 18:56:19
[翻唱] 【翻唱】paparazzi——凑合版。额。。实际上还没学会~~ attachment zhaona2 2010-3-13 31012 钻石容 2010-3-16 16:09:22
[翻唱] the last resort-eagles attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-11 51472 reanhenley2007 2010-3-16 15:57:25
[翻唱] Forever-stratovarius,凑合听一下~呵呵 attachment Zorrozz 2008-6-16 62097 joytofu 2010-3-16 15:49:10
√[翻唱]《No Promises》米糊更新版  ...2 tuMiTOo 2006-7-29 102755 littlearslan 2010-3-16 08:56:25
√[摇滚翻唱]暑假就要█◣In The End◢█了,『大crab开学贴』  ...2345 crab 2006-8-26 476530 littlearslan 2010-3-16 08:50:03
[翻唱] big big world~~~~~huhu attachment  ...2 coffindry 2009-2-13 102620 lijing00545 2010-3-15 20:32:13
[翻唱] 《takin back my love》寻砖袭…… attachment deanbrian 2010-3-15 11439 zorro66 2010-3-15 19:44:22
[翻唱] 经典演绎——The Rose(塔罗和小黄鹂的和音版) attachment 塔罗社 2010-3-15 31352 塔罗社 2010-3-15 17:51:20
[翻唱] 【林肯ft.大U-合作翻唱】 - Linkin Park - Bleed It Out attachment  ...234 yokarne 2009-6-1 386559 route666 2010-3-15 16:00:11
[翻唱] √自己翻唱的linkin park-don't stay attachment  ...2 kivenlau1 2007-4-18 163684 route666 2010-3-15 15:24:35
[翻唱] 从头唱到尾男女我全来-JUST DANCE-累死了 attachment  ...2 tarcytao1982 2010-1-14 121839 sashazheng 2010-3-15 14:00:23
[翻唱] Smash Into You attachment agree  ...23 abkemp 2010-1-3 214256 zorro66 2010-3-15 12:43:57
[翻唱] goodbye my lover 基本上一遍就下来了,怎么我怎么搞都会有杂音- - 继续后期盲人中。。。 attachment qiwe 2010-3-14 61610 qiwe 2010-3-15 12:31:54
[翻唱] 爱 性 魔力 attachment jet-fat 2010-3-15 2748 月下奔跑 2010-3-15 12:13:13
[翻唱] 续分裂 Sunnnshinnne Ft. 原唱的原唱 attachment 四喜 2010-2-10 7879 zorro66 2010-3-15 09:51:50
√[翻唱]Torn - Natalie Imbruglia  ...2 bluegate 2006-6-18 102346 wangzideyuedui 2010-3-14 21:27:34
[翻唱] √santa monica - Savage Garden - Andy.H~ attachment savagemuer 2007-6-16 41680 wangzideyuedui 2010-3-14 20:58:42
[翻唱] Give it 2 Me________Madonna__摇啊摇 attachment britneycc 2009-12-27 91265 MrMya 2010-3-14 20:56:49
[翻唱] 【Tell me why】只唱了一小段而已><~~ attachment TRINNA七代目 2010-3-14 1781 littlearslan 2010-3-14 20:14:00
[翻唱] 土耳其舞曲 attachment jet-fat 2009-5-5 3990 喊包包 2010-3-14 19:56:01
[翻唱] Sarah Connor - Under My Skin(T.S.O.B Mix) 难传啊!!~ attachment Vanshley 2009-4-19 41166 wangzideyuedui 2010-3-14 18:59:09
[翻唱] sarah connor的经典歌曲living to live you attachment  ...23 pirake 2007-4-15 213777 wangzideyuedui 2010-3-14 18:57:49
[翻唱] paparazzi-第一段-自我感觉良好 attachment tarcytao1982 2010-2-12 4912 sashazheng 2010-3-14 17:29:38
[翻唱] slipping through my fingers attachment melody_irene 2009-1-11 41242 xiaololo 2010-3-14 17:27:19
[翻唱] Laurent Voulzy 的Derniers baisers 最后的吻~ attachment tocohrin 2010-3-14 21463 tocohrin 2010-3-14 16:05:45
[翻唱] monster= =girl look good enough to eat attachment elva337 2010-1-22 21091 ddtx 2010-3-14 14:19:09
[翻唱] 【内含元宵节的花炮声】paparazzi-哈 attachment  ...2 tarcytao1982 2010-3-10 161993 sashazheng 2010-3-14 13:11:02
[翻唱] taylor_swift-tim_mcgraw attachment nataliel 2010-2-12 5934 半夜挑灯 2010-3-14 12:27:45
[翻唱] 96年亚特兰大奥运会主题曲 The power of the dream中国好象得了三十二块金牌? attachment  ...23 琳猫猫 2010-2-3 203335 limu521 2010-3-14 09:01:54
[翻唱] 要命的翻唱《Bye Bye》 attachment walkeri 2008-6-14 81558 jay2678 2010-3-14 00:37:09
[翻唱] 【英】A whole new world ---- 《阿拉丁》主题曲 dujuan8265 2010-2-22 71460 norule 2010-3-13 23:53:59

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