


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 男翻唱TTNNTT-she is out of my life [Michael Jackson]怀念MJ attachment ttnntt 2009-12-30 91949 arthur_7x 2010-3-31 16:47:20
[翻唱] hotel california-eagles attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-10 91291 littlearslan 2010-3-31 15:23:33
[翻唱] 翻唱超超超超喜欢的一首The Ting Tings-We Walk attachment agree 殺手 2009-5-5 71274 QUEENIN 2010-3-31 15:06:13
[翻唱] better man attachment 龙少走两步 2008-7-31 41544 littlearslan 2010-3-31 15:02:14
[翻唱] 不怕死的唱了part of the list~ attachment agree flingfly 2009-8-25 91556 kangjune 2010-3-31 13:09:21
[翻唱] Like A VirGin__Madonna attachment  ...2 britneycc 2009-6-15 161851 呼噜噜小神 2010-3-31 10:41:51
[翻唱] Eminem,Dr. Dre,Snoop Dogg,Xzibit,Nate Dogg-Bitch Please II attachment smallpotato 2007-2-22 61928 呼噜噜小神 2010-3-31 10:40:50
[翻唱] Girl in the mirror_original by Britney Spears attachment  ...2 azurelucid 2007-6-25 112949 小猪猪Pig 2010-3-31 10:01:39
[翻唱] [我爱布布]今天深夜糟蹋了(the) girl in the mirror attachment yogogo 2009-8-8 41686 小猪猪Pig 2010-3-31 09:59:00
[翻唱] imagine-约翰。列侬 attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-12 62058 godmaycry 2010-3-31 09:48:35
[翻唱] faint - LP(死嗓发泄版) attachment 米迦勒 2010-2-27 52163 大猫仙儿 2010-3-31 09:10:30
[翻唱] Countryroads take me home - Gari attachment  ...2 agari 2008-6-9 103194 maneater 2010-3-31 07:36:35
[翻唱] Mockingbird attachment  ...2 康佛神 2008-11-16 144315 赵麻花 2010-3-31 03:29:06
[翻唱] beware the dog小心饿狗(男版)(内附封面)----jamelia attachment 熊猫奶爸 2007-4-14 91716 赵麻花 2010-3-31 03:24:09
[翻唱] 来一首毛骨悚然的I STILL BELIEVE! bbfantasy 2006-8-23 61868 赵麻花 2010-3-31 03:16:47
[翻唱] 屁屁-五毛 attachment  ...2 康佛神 2009-8-6 102008 赵麻花 2010-3-31 03:11:15
[翻唱] 跟个朋友一起合作的歌,效果不错的HARD,我只是副歌部分RAP。 attachment tmposdk313 2010-2-12 21366 赵麻花 2010-3-31 02:52:18
[翻唱] 刚起床,Rap一段 Like Toy Soldiers (阿姆) attachment FoShizzo 2009-6-15 61758 赵麻花 2010-3-31 02:45:25
[原创] 原创旋律黑暗金属作品《日落之前》 attachment gaoyabala 2009-3-8 61352 赵麻花 2010-3-31 02:30:29
[翻唱] Linkin Park - New Divide 【变形金刚2主题曲】 attachment agree  ...2345 小虎斌 2009-12-30 457332 Arill 2010-3-30 23:38:28
[翻唱] Larger Than Life - 后胡同小子 - 小A attachment albert1234 2010-3-11 71240 lulinli 2010-3-30 22:56:19
[翻唱] 【Bad Day】 翻唱 by Runleon 原唱:Daniel Powter attachment runleon 2010-3-21 82248 littlearslan 2010-3-30 22:12:46
[翻唱] 妖精的旋律《Sorry seems to be the hardest word》--->〈Ps. I luv u〉 attachment 妖精的旋律 2008-8-21 31949 littlearslan 2010-3-30 22:11:41
[翻唱] 【嫩男版】飞儿乐团——《BLUE DOORS AHEAD》 attachment 天琴座 2010-3-14 31220 [Van.C] 2010-3-30 19:50:15
[翻唱] JAI HO (You're My Destiny) by RJ Original by Nicole PCD ft.A.R.Rahman attachment agree  ...234 kwocenting 2009-5-29 375124 orlando007 2010-3-30 10:13:53
[翻唱] √Not ready to make nice-Dixie Chicks attachment  ...23 美国甜心 2007-5-27 286566 rea111son 2010-3-29 22:33:34
[翻唱] CRUSH - David Archuleta(美国偶像亚军) 猪姆哥 2008-11-27 31126 rea111son 2010-3-29 22:22:14
[翻唱] touch my hand - David Archuleta(美国偶像亚军) attachment  ...23 猪姆哥 2009-1-14 284030 rea111son 2010-3-29 22:18:32
[翻唱] √far away from home -GROOVE COVERAGE attachment  ...2 草莓酪 2007-5-29 183236 古惑二宝 2010-3-29 21:54:43
[翻唱] [永远的MJ] - 2 Bad 【唱到干涸.....】 attachment agree  ...2 dcvalentine 2009-10-15 102154 zorro66 2010-3-29 18:41:08
[翻唱] 一段略带伤感的清唱无伴奏的小曲 attachment 戴司 2010-3-27 21273 azurelucid 2010-3-29 13:53:19
[翻唱] [原版翻唱]elton john - sorry seems to be the hardest word attachment  ...234 solo0000solo 2009-3-14 344883 wszhy 2010-3-29 12:24:47
[翻唱] [DayT] Gotta Make It - Trey Songz Feat. Twista attachment DayT 2010-3-28 41048 energyzhang 2010-3-29 00:28:17
[翻唱] 翻唱 Rockin' That Shit-The Dream attachment  ...2 亦黛 2009-8-19 172775 FOKGAHO 2010-3-28 23:57:01
[翻唱] 男声 mariah carey - i still believe attachment  ...234 爱的和谐 2008-7-13 355501 joyce_bei 2010-3-28 23:00:34
[翻唱] 翻唱 Destiny's Child ★【Emotion】★ 只有一段 attachment Charisse 2009-1-4 91950 baochunya 2010-3-28 21:41:11
[原创] 原创英文RAP 第四弹 by Kingyes attachment kingyes 2010-3-26 61777 kingyes 2010-3-28 18:07:55
[翻唱] 四喜&维维 BOOM BOOM POW!!!! attachment  ...2 维维LEE 2010-3-19 182614 雷的囧囧 2010-3-28 14:33:09
[翻唱] hell breaks loose eminem 念经什么最无聊了 attachment 赵麻花 2010-3-27 41541 yexuyes 2010-3-28 12:50:57
[翻唱] 翻唱TAKE A BOW-Rihanna attachment  ...2 神之小饼 2010-2-13 101845 marshallfans 2010-3-28 02:12:56

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