


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] You know me - Robbie Williams attachment firec 2010-3-22 51320 whxn520 2010-5-1 12:16:33
[翻唱] there you'll be attachment  ...2 kellyclarkson 2010-4-30 163159 kellyclarkson 2010-5-1 11:51:59
[翻唱] Hallelujah~Hallelujah~Hallelujah~ attachment boboray 2009-7-31 31238 missdiao 2010-5-1 10:56:25
[翻唱] LOLI版《poker face》~雷 慎入 attachment  ...2 tashow 2010-1-15 122667 vsjolin 2010-5-1 05:41:41
[翻唱] officially missin u~~ attachment  ...2 lomuz 2010-4-28 153987 VeNyc 2010-4-30 18:48:45
[翻唱] 第一次献丑 georgia on my mind attachment genie_x_c 2010-1-10 92013 kellyclarkson 2010-4-30 17:40:02
√[翻唱]吐血翻唱aerosmith——fly away from here——annbo已重做效果版本  ...234 annbo 2006-5-11 385305 sin6 2010-4-30 16:36:27
[翻唱] 继续卖力翻唱硬摇blues第三弹aerosmith 《Living On The Edge》 attachment  ...23 gaoyabala 2009-3-24 264712 sin6 2010-4-30 16:33:46
√[自唱]...圣诞档... JINGLE BELLS参加圣诞活动  ...23 七宝 2006-12-21 204596 xiangfei0262 2010-4-30 16:14:27
[翻唱] 【破麦破嗓】 翻唱AKeys的 【THINGS ABOUT LOVE】 attachment shamore 2010-4-30 01216 shamore 2010-4-30 14:51:23
[翻唱] 【无节奏感RAP】送给朋友的【HEY LOVER】 attachment shamore 2010-4-30 01243 shamore 2010-4-30 14:38:29
[翻唱] 【破麦破嗓】 翻唱老歌 【HONEY 2 THE B】 attachment shamore 2010-4-30 01182 shamore 2010-4-30 14:29:49
[翻唱] "Toy Soldier" - BRITNEY SPEARS attachment 赵麻花 2010-4-30 01130 赵麻花 2010-4-30 13:59:17
[翻唱] 第一次发帖,唱了一首Katharine Mcphee - 《over it》 attachment magglew 2010-4-30 1902 magglew 2010-4-30 10:13:59
[翻唱] 尝试一下不同的风格--She attachment  ...23456 吉二 2008-9-10 558658 hbq0405 2010-4-30 09:55:36
[翻唱] S.O.S---plutostory 听一句唱一句的后果 attachment plutostory 2010-4-27 2820 plutostory 2010-4-30 00:45:38
[翻唱] the killer<human> attachment justin1120 2009-10-3 72256 lele19860317 2010-4-29 16:37:19
[翻唱] my love我的最爱翻唱~!~!好听请顶起 attachment wbovey 2010-2-21 41012 hbq0405 2010-4-29 15:50:29
[翻唱] she is one 翻唱 attachment woshironaldo 2010-3-21 71964 9zhe 2010-4-29 15:48:55
[翻唱] [卡拉OK乱唱] 7 days attachment  ...2 pipopp 2010-4-14 102104 pipopp 2010-4-29 13:44:01
[翻唱] 首次尝试摇滚风格的Pink - U & Ur Hand~! attachment  ...2 mannei1215 2009-4-24 133087 joady 2010-4-29 11:36:45
[翻唱] broken winds attachment rcao 2010-4-28 01219 rcao 2010-4-28 21:21:02
[翻唱] 『BJ&DayT』I WANNA THANK YA - angie stone feat. snoop dogg(时隔1年再次联手合作~) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 Billie.J 2010-3-25 214532 考拉mp 2010-4-28 19:06:10
[翻唱] 翻唱Dlana Krall——《Temptation》 attachment 小魔女皮皮 2010-4-28 01012 小魔女皮皮 2010-4-28 17:58:56
[翻唱] [永远的MJ] - Man in the mirror - 一段 attachment agree  ...23 唐棠初 2009-9-5 204460 淡白 2010-4-28 16:48:22
[翻唱] our song-TS attachment  ...23 suzan001 2010-4-11 212675 宋宋公主 2010-4-28 15:48:32
[翻唱] 花栗鼠也要rap 【Gotta Getcha】JD不会怪我毁歌吧||| attachment  ...2 四喜 2010-4-23 102164 k哥 2010-4-28 14:32:15
[原创] the circle of life(把你日出我的生活) attachment 叫你吃饭 2010-4-28 11244 gaoyabalaa 2010-4-28 12:11:33
[翻唱] 【合】star of something new - 米、若若 attachment 安若凌 2010-4-27 11375 k哥 2010-4-28 12:10:34
[翻唱] pieces - SUM41 sharp46 2006-10-4 72290 colindeer 2010-4-28 10:49:22
[翻唱] run attachment tocohrin 2010-4-7 31521 axlsizzy 2010-4-28 08:58:23
[翻唱] 那些逝去的摇滚玩艺儿续一《The show must go on》Queen attachment  ...23 gaoyabala 2009-6-19 203521 Liuba柳芭 2010-4-28 06:46:59
[翻唱] 酒吧演出视频剪出的音频I BELIVE I CAN FLY - R.KELLY attachment solo0000solo 2008-7-29 31492 wzfjc3344 2010-4-28 01:16:32
[翻唱] what's you flaver 翻唱 attachment levshan 2010-4-16 41147 levshan 2010-4-27 22:47:07
[翻唱] To:炸药 Trina feat. K C - I Got A Thang For You attachment  ...2 四喜 2010-4-13 112032 四喜 2010-4-27 19:23:47
[翻唱] Incomplete - Backstreet Boys 新人欧美区第一贴= =拜~ attachment 浅灯 2008-8-15 61399 emilys 2010-4-27 18:54:18
√[翻唱]〓I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You〓spalizl VS. jenny322  ...2 jenny322 2006-4-19 132647 voidair 2010-4-27 17:06:18
[翻唱] T.Group七宝05年半年串烧总结  ...23456 七宝 2005-8-18 5710053 lpply 2010-4-27 16:49:19
[翻唱] Craig David - You Don't Miss Your Water attachment  ...2 四喜 2010-4-7 152104 四喜 2010-4-27 01:36:05
[翻唱] ▶My Favourite Game◀ 翻唱The Cardigans O(∩_∩)O~ attachment nana107 2010-4-23 1915 plutostory 2010-4-27 00:51:45

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