


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] MMM MMM MMM MMM SO <<HAPPINESS>>~~首发 attachment plutostory 2010-12-24 0987 plutostory 2010-12-24 22:54:00
[翻唱] who do you think you are男声版 - SPICEGIRLS  ...2 jujumiaojun2 2006-10-20 173765 helenshen753159 2010-12-24 22:27:26
[翻唱] 我也来一首BSB LARGER THAN LIFE attachment beerest 2010-7-2 61557 lmxslmxs 2010-12-24 19:06:22
[翻唱] Larger than life attachment  ...2 wudanyang 2009-3-31 192565 lmxslmxs 2010-12-24 18:31:56
[翻唱] [If I were a boy ---Beyonce]...OJL...失败呀...副歌部分.. attachment  ...234 黑暗帝皇 2009-1-19 346464 love520wcl 2010-12-24 18:31:25
[翻唱] 【孤单de剩蛋,给自己唱首歌】When Xmas Comes To Town(Piano Version) attachment emilys 2010-12-24 21485 emilys 2010-12-24 16:33:59
[翻唱] [新人秀]Bizarre love triangle-清凉一下 attachment agree  ...2 April.S 2009-7-25 122828 阿兰梦 2010-12-24 16:20:33
[翻唱] 很久以前唱的november rain attachment 554600 2009-6-6 61655 Kalmah 2010-12-24 15:04:19
[翻唱] 新人上路,挑战枪花经典(NOVEMBER RAIN),多提意见! attachment jojohj628 2007-11-16 31309 Kalmah 2010-12-24 15:00:20
[翻唱] Goodbye - Air Supply attachment firec 2008-7-20 81935 茂林 2010-12-24 13:13:09
[翻唱] 我又发疯了.....TOKIO HOTEL的Dogs Unleashed attachment Schrei 2010-8-27 11606 daniel2322 2010-12-24 12:07:55
[翻唱] 我翻唱的Aaron Carter的 I'm all about you  ...2 azurelucid 2006-10-1 143113 87503896 2010-12-23 23:39:58
√[翻唱]i'm all about you -aaron carter女版男版的都唱过,就是忘了放上来!!! 伊依水 2006-12-10 72377 87503896 2010-12-23 23:38:33
[翻唱] i'm all about you - Aaron carter attachment Juliet0807 2007-8-14 82157 87503896 2010-12-23 23:37:21
[翻唱] 国内罕见Telephone翻唱live版+爵士baby you've got what it takes翻唱live 无病呻吟 2010-12-11 72298 幻聽 2010-12-23 20:02:16
[翻唱] 新人報到!!!大家快来围观:超好听朋友翻唱Babyface的Loneliness,绝对超正!!!!! attachment  ...2 Lilbgk 2010-12-21 103036 幻聽 2010-12-23 19:58:14
[翻唱] 边学边录 POP-N'SYNC attachment  ...2 vinyoo 2009-4-9 121958 魃斗妖 2010-12-23 17:57:53
[翻唱] 萤火虫 attachment suzan001 2010-10-30 52081 山哥 2010-12-23 14:48:20
[翻唱] 男声 Lily Allen - Fu-ck You attachment agree  ...23456 djnbob 2009-8-27 506840 omichan 2010-12-23 11:46:25
[翻唱] lady gaga poker face live 四川美术学院 男声 Mr. Mad 2010-12-23 0725 Mr. Mad 2010-12-23 11:44:58
[翻唱] Queen - Thank God It's Christmas[祝圣诞快乐]【中英日贺礼】 attachment blackotaku 2010-12-21 41884 blackotaku 2010-12-23 10:38:47
[翻唱] Happy Birthday To Rey.T 这首歌是改词英文写给小陶的19岁生日.温暖的一首.节日快乐 attachment IngridSV 2010-12-23 01336 IngridSV 2010-12-23 09:54:32
[翻唱] 2毛 Tonight (I'm Fucking You) - Enrique Iglesias attachment 猪姆哥 2010-11-28 51699 猪姆哥 2010-12-23 09:35:27
[翻唱] √★☆★T.GROUP★☆★dance with my father七宝FTmcboy attachment digest  ...234 七宝 2007-9-13 319015 _Jarry 2010-12-23 05:14:10
[翻唱] 深情翻唱A1...Like A Rose(demo)...感冒一周了,嗓子好了再继续! attachment 雷的囧囧 2009-11-29 41145 87503896 2010-12-22 21:31:18
[翻唱] Westlife-Unbreakable attachment 87503896 2010-12-22 22052 87503896 2010-12-22 21:08:42
[翻唱] √温暖 <dream a little dream of me> attachment dreamsing 2007-4-29 81666 mok5842 2010-12-22 20:38:16
[翻唱] 【男声】Womenizer 又是来无聊的- =。。。。。 attachment djnbob 2010-12-22 11431 djnbob 2010-12-22 20:13:25
[翻唱] 超好听的《BABY》Justin的,太不容易唱了~ attachment yuyer0923 2010-11-29 71544 dcvalentine 2010-12-22 19:16:34
[翻唱] jewel的转型之作-intuition!转音转到没气。。。。 attachment jojoyeah 2008-8-19 71548 矜持的羙 2010-12-22 18:41:43
[翻唱] 卖力赛肉丝Miley Cyrus - The Climb attachment agree  ...2345 iandee 2009-4-28 416347 pkface56 2010-12-22 18:04:27
[翻唱] believe 酷龙(绕绕绕)英文版本 by ZORRO哥 attachment  ...2 zorro66 2009-9-10 152652 伊布 2010-12-22 15:17:24
[翻唱] paramore-Crush Crush Crush【新手翻唱】 attachment  ...234 kwan 2009-12-4 395195 iandee 2010-12-22 15:10:54
[翻唱] √Imagine - John Lennon 无话可说 attachment agree  ...23 阿蒙 2007-8-11 275625 bongjigiu 2010-12-22 13:00:04
[翻唱] [纯花栗鼠声] Last Christmas - Mes ft. Lomuz & Sisam attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 MesC 2010-7-22 307299 sthwind 2010-12-21 23:06:49
[翻唱] keane的black burning heart,这个应该还没人翻过,来自他们第三张录音大碟 attachment Schrei 2010-12-21 01636 Schrei 2010-12-21 21:19:32
[翻唱] ◆Kr!s◆ Don't wanna try - Frankie J attachment hiphop101149 2009-11-28 91790 87503896 2010-12-21 20:28:43
[翻唱] Backstreetboy - Shape of my heart attachment  ...2 SBLJ 2007-2-5 183234 87503896 2010-12-21 20:25:25
[翻唱] Backstreetboys------shape of my heart attachment 314526369 2009-11-18 61515 87503896 2010-12-21 20:23:45
√[翻唱]I want it that way - Backstreetboys  ...23 SBLJ 2006-11-28 245217 87503896 2010-12-21 20:22:43

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