


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 丫丫《buttons》 attachment 王丫丫 2010-6-23 81765 诺琳 2011-1-31 02:22:06
[翻唱] 就让我来终结I'm yours吧~ attachment  ...2 bluegate 2010-1-17 172556 winol1981 2011-1-30 22:36:49
[翻唱] ヅ`芯子や 小吼一曲AS pieces of me 附件已上传 attachment ヅ`芯子や 2007-4-13 31228 wally 2011-1-30 18:43:17
[翻唱] 发首很久前录的,Papa Roach的Do Or Die(只是个DEMO)~~~~ attachment 成长の烦恼  2007-4-4 72226 sin6 2011-1-30 17:09:01
[翻唱] Kelly Clarkson新专辑第二首-I do not hook up attachment  ...2 kotokoyzy 2009-5-28 152960 connie1230 2011-1-30 17:02:45
[翻唱] [DayT & Bonnie] H to the izzO V to the izzA (HOVA) - Jay-Z attachment  ...2 DayT 2009-2-4 153408 zorro66 2011-1-30 14:13:56
[翻唱] Jay Sean-Down【完整版】英翻新人报到~ attachment MTora 2011-1-16 82099 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-30 12:41:56
[翻唱] [自己初次填詞/超恥] Calc. (英文版) attachment MesC 2011-1-28 42392 Mr.kaka 2011-1-30 11:48:28
[翻唱] 『小奈』Learning The Blues 假期第一首 感谢活捉师父后期 attachment  ...2 Wunai 2011-1-25 143552 Wunai 2011-1-29 22:53:42
[翻唱] ms还没人唱过的歌 Ellie Goulding‘s Guns and Horses attachment Soarahyoung 2010-9-29 72418 zorro66 2011-1-29 21:38:52
[翻唱] 拉丁女王珍妮佛洛佩兹的ain't it funny 电音版 attachment jet-fat 2011-1-29 21374 艾小样儿 2011-1-29 20:06:59
[翻唱] ☆feedback★节奏天后janet jackson 2008新歌 attachment  ...23 蓝调bluecat 2008-7-19 214299 shuishuixx 2011-1-29 18:29:09
[翻唱] 强悍翻唱Michael Jackson(Tabloid Junkie)喉咙震破 attachment dongdiduo 2011-1-26 61343 coober_g886 2011-1-29 15:33:34
[翻唱] <Inoocence>★★★★★ attachment Avril-lavigne.x 2011-1-26 61398 `★ 2011-1-29 14:49:09
[翻唱] Jesus to a child - George Michael attachment firec 2008-7-20 71200 鱼赤 2011-1-29 14:30:43
[翻唱] Taylor Swift --- CRAZIER 刚刚学会的。 attachment  ...2 ashlee35 2009-10-31 122026 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-29 14:04:48
[翻唱] B.o.b - Airplanes 小飞机呀小飞机 标题不长不能飞 attachment kamikaze2007 2010-7-27 71433 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-29 13:53:09
[翻唱] 囧◆囧 ft 维▲维 Britney Spears 『 Get Naked 』  attachment heatlevel  ...2345 雷的囧囧 2010-3-22 465781 维维LEE 2011-1-29 02:45:15
[翻唱] lady gaga - speechless 感冒鼻音版(已上传附件) attachment heatlevel  ...23456 iandee 2010-1-13 569104 mandyme 2011-1-28 21:43:06
[翻唱] 花了半小时学这歌!You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift attachment  ...23 康佛神 2010-1-25 255588 kellyycn 2011-1-28 20:32:36
[翻唱] David Archuleta - a little too not over you录得时候差点都没气了~~~ attachment  ...2 sanstone 2009-9-26 122472 ___J. 2011-1-28 17:46:22
[翻唱] 超有感觉的一首歌 innocent(taylor swift) 男生版 attachment devil998899 2011-1-21 62469 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-28 17:18:12
[翻唱] Taylor Swift—Fifteen attachment  ...2 Dawn.DM 2010-1-16 182389 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-28 17:08:20
[翻唱] fifteen-taylor swift--偶是新人,第一次发歌,呵呵,希望大家多给意见哈~~ attachment ray123446 2010-4-10 91427 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-28 17:05:07
[翻唱] taylor swift-fifteen attachment  ...23 nataliel 2009-10-17 224018 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-28 16:57:21
[翻唱] 小样一枚, Taio Cruz-Dymamite, 后期真不会做啊.... attachment Eggdanny 2011-1-25 42056 zorro66 2011-1-28 15:44:04
[翻唱] 【Taylor Swift -Speak Now】最喜欢的一首....Haunted~继续努力能力有限~ attachment  ...2 ladynight 2010-11-29 143438 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-28 15:27:41
[翻唱] 【SPEAK NOW---TAYLOR SWIFT】翻唱TS的新歌 attachment  ...2 IngridSV 2010-11-25 183448 Corbin粉丝 2011-1-28 15:20:44
[翻唱] 【You belong with me_Taylor Swift】【新人翻唱】 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 kwan 2009-12-31 508296 awei113 2011-1-28 14:32:36
[翻唱] <<<<<Lucky>>>>> Jason Mraz attachment nothiseveth 2011-1-23 41747 nothiseveth 2011-1-28 13:37:48
[翻唱] 蝙蝠侠片尾曲——kiss from a rose attachment  ...2 戴司 2010-7-7 174146 VeNyc 2011-1-28 00:02:03
[翻唱] 【烂大街歌Home迷离小demo】P.S.爷要在待家里!爷不要补课!!!学校去死! attachment heatlevel  ...234 Jane.tz 2010-7-4 357515 死神 2011-1-27 18:18:30
[翻唱] [翻唱]The look of love(鼓励我下吧) attachment agree  ...23 阿瞳墓 2009-6-27 203520 孤风啸 2011-1-27 14:29:56
[翻唱] 2010圣诞翻唱:My Only Wish(this year)依旧走高质量路线! attachment  ...2 Fighter123 2010-12-14 112122 kevinlymon 2011-1-27 14:09:03
[翻唱] BECAUSE OF YOU KELLY的多半首 attachment tarcytao1982 2010-8-21 11444 zorro66 2011-1-27 12:53:17
[翻唱] 翻唱哥特版爱尔兰民谣Ride On attachment  ...2 lungs 2009-8-25 152869 sin6 2011-1-27 11:29:37
[翻唱] dont know why 蓝调玫瑰 2010-11-23 11354 成爹一矮短小楼 2011-1-27 09:30:24
[翻唱] TOUCH MY HAND - David Archuleta 美国偶像亚军 这歌终于有真正的伴奏拉 捏哈哈哈哈哈哈 09.2.10上传 attachment  ...2 猪姆哥 2009-2-10 173987 zorro66 2011-1-26 18:39:19
[翻唱] 男版《we belong together》,靡靡之音radio版! attachment 小胖墩 2010-9-8 82154 mt-von 2011-1-26 16:49:51
[翻唱] 布布的新单hold it against me attachment jet-fat 2011-1-22 51695 dongdiduo 2011-1-26 15:00:25

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