


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] o(︶︿︶)o 刚学会who says,好多地方还不太会唱... attachment jarry0321 2010-12-1 41527 宫田宜静 2011-5-24 17:35:23
[翻唱] 第一次录歌Green day Basket case- Ganny attachment glynken 2009-12-14 31648 kenlovemusic 2011-5-24 05:50:27
[翻唱] 乐队作品 - London Calling attachment Complicated 2009-8-23 82248 呵呵庄庄 2011-5-23 16:30:48
[翻唱] ❀翻唱[make you feel my love--Adele] 真的好喜欢她啊啊啊啊啊~~~ attachment 伤花怒放72 2011-5-23 01299 伤花怒放72 2011-5-23 12:38:09
[翻唱] he Taught Me How To Yodel attachment Cathy2010 2011-5-22 01093 Cathy2010 2011-5-22 19:15:04
[翻唱] 重新弄 on the radio groove coverage attachment Mr. Mad 2011-5-21 1802 AllByMyself 2011-5-21 22:59:51
[翻唱] 新人首发oasis-songbird 两分钟试试 attachment hwz1350 2011-5-21 1953 AllByMyself 2011-5-21 22:56:45
[翻唱] √TLC-No Scrubs,曾经的疯狂只为她们 attachment expertkiller 2007-9-15 82086 plutostory 2011-5-21 22:30:55
[翻唱] 今晚发点老作品TLC--No Scrubs attachment  ...23 lilmibro 2009-1-30 283979 plutostory 2011-5-21 22:29:29
[翻唱] GET OUTTA MY WAY attachment plutostory 2011-4-25 31461 plutostory 2011-5-21 22:19:14
[翻唱] nirvana anout a girl attachment curtrose 2009-4-25 61734 Schrei 2011-5-21 20:16:57
[翻唱] You're Beautiful Demo attachment hwz1350 2011-5-21 0915 hwz1350 2011-5-21 20:14:40
[翻唱] [hiphop 4 fun] Juicy in SummerTime attachment sweetbonnie 2011-5-20 21615 Billie.J 2011-5-21 13:58:51
[翻唱] 怀念tupac-- baby don't cry 2pac部分 attachment TUBIG 2011-5-21 0796 TUBIG 2011-5-21 11:24:38
[翻唱] 唱着玩的-- Big Poppa-- the notorious BIG attachment TUBIG 2011-5-21 0893 TUBIG 2011-5-21 10:58:14
[翻唱] 翻唱--Thugs get lonely too--2pac 完整版 attachment TUBIG 2011-5-21 0829 TUBIG 2011-5-21 10:20:33
[翻唱] You oughta know - Alanis Morissette  ...2 jessicaok 2006-12-8 122939 ddtx 2011-5-20 00:00:47
[翻唱] 新人第二次 tonight I wanna cry-Keith Urban。。。 attachment 还想 2011-1-26 81879 huboyuan26 2011-5-19 20:18:16
[翻唱] 翻唱Keith Urban---Tonight I Wanna Cry attachment  ...2 还想 2009-6-15 132605 huboyuan26 2011-5-19 20:16:15
[翻唱] 【my heart will go on】hiphop version~ attachment  ...2 seeviacai 2010-4-5 112065 seeviacai 2011-5-19 14:46:01
[翻唱] 经典怀旧 Rhythm of the Rain attachment tracykuraki 2011-5-18 21528 coolan 2011-5-19 13:14:01
[翻唱] {专辑}2003-2008 五年回顾精选+新作[E=MC²]7首 同曲异奏新感觉 厚颜求版主点亮鼓励:) digest agree  ...234 corey 2008-7-12 358545 binesta 2011-5-18 20:43:48
[翻唱] Rock DJ attachment cravenspice 2011-2-5 41228 huboyuan26 2011-5-18 11:34:05
[翻唱] halo live版 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 无病呻吟 2010-1-4 447703 无病呻吟 2011-5-18 10:51:51
[翻唱] {耳麦无后期版}and i'm telling you am not going by akiko attachment gezhongxiaohao0 2011-5-2 81470 gezhongxiaohao0 2011-5-18 08:55:34
[翻唱] 没有做后期的 because of you KC的 希望高手来指教怎么做后期啊~~~完全新手啊我 ~~~ attachment 舌饶 2011-4-9 21157 弓布木人 2011-5-18 06:54:45
[翻唱] buring片段--不会做效果sorry attachment anego 2011-5-17 01496 anego 2011-5-17 22:38:41
[翻唱] 男生翻唱 mariah carey 的经典歌曲《Always be my baby》! attachment 小胖墩 2011-5-17 01383 小胖墩 2011-5-17 20:54:34
[翻唱] 再来一首★方向乐队★:《穿透我的心》。。。。。。。。 attachment xhzrock 2011-5-17 01199 xhzrock 2011-5-17 20:53:43
[翻唱] to make you feel my loce attachment little-pong 2011-5-10 62167 little-pong 2011-5-17 19:36:08
[翻唱] 和外国朋友合作的-- Kiss Me Thru The Phone, 不会难听的! attachment  ...2345 FoShizzo 2009-5-18 406803 xhlr 2011-5-16 23:05:54
[翻唱] 唱完i surrender才知道surrender attachment  ...2 爱的和谐 2009-1-18 142418 xhlr 2011-5-16 22:59:04
[翻唱] mariah carey-forever (男生)吃力 小白龙 attachment xyz199227 2011-5-16 0930 xyz199227 2011-5-16 19:28:32
[翻唱] 【大梨子&爱爱】 what dreams are made of attachment Cathy2010 2011-5-16 0817 Cathy2010 2011-5-16 17:24:55
[翻唱] 尽情地喷吧,翻了My heart will go on attachment somemany 2009-8-15 51493 xhlr 2011-5-16 13:08:35
[翻唱] I could be the one ~~how? attachment kellyycn 2011-4-23 72049 K 2011-5-16 11:50:42
[翻唱] stranger in moscow-michael jackson(翻唱) attachment  ...23 risi 2008-11-25 233844 beck520mj 2011-5-16 10:05:12
[翻唱] 斗胆发Celine Dion——My heart will go on~~ attachment  ...2 倾宸 2010-7-30 122333 nissyou0210 2011-5-16 01:24:25
[翻唱] 【Cathy.Ai】I surrender【TO】RJ生日快乐 attachment Cathy2010 2010-6-21 41046 fighter 2011-5-15 19:19:36
[翻唱] I surrender :O 我们的口号是:宁可挂掉,不能降调! attachment  ...2345 琳猫猫 2009-12-29 497749 fighter 2011-5-15 19:18:41

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