


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
√[翻唱]Spice Girls - Two become one 妃·我莫属 2006-10-7 51661 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 16:18:09
[翻唱] spice girls-2 become 1/wannabe attachment  ...2 kelezj 2010-4-12 132722 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 16:09:04
√[翻唱] spice girls 的又一老歌 viva forever  ...2 dreamsing 2006-10-15 163138 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 16:03:54
√[翻唱]Don't Cha - Pussycat Dolls  ...2345 jessicaok 2006-10-27 448759 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 15:51:19
√[翻唱] Buttons - Pussycat Dolls (Sexy MV and sexy song!)  ...2345 jessicaok 2006-7-10 459081 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 15:45:29
[翻唱] Pussycat Dolls - I Hate This Part 这首歌也不简单啊 attachment  ...23 iandee 2009-1-6 254517 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 15:42:36
[翻唱] 手机现场录制Rollin in the deep--Adele(小生不才,望见谅!) attachment  ...23 leungwen 2011-5-7 214046 leungwen 2011-6-1 15:14:38
[翻唱] Sway - The Pussycat Dolls超性感的歌 attachment pcvitc 2009-7-25 51374 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 15:13:23
[翻唱] SWAY attachment  ...2 桑夏艾 2009-7-11 142369 泡泡咖啡 2011-6-1 15:00:30
[翻唱] 少女时代 run devil run 最讨厌泡菜国的人 attachment jet-fat 2011-4-10 41474 sprinte 2011-6-1 14:17:00
[翻唱] {玩樂之作}將JUSTIN BIEBER MIX LADYGAGA ___BABY MY POKER FACE!!!!!_____ attachment heatlevel  ...234 维维LEE 2010-4-4 336701 sprinte 2011-6-1 13:56:26
[翻唱] √Donna Lewis------I could be the one attachment lxwjn 2007-3-2 72175 自由洋妞 2011-5-31 20:08:44
[翻唱] I Could Be The One BY SS attachment mmily 2007-2-13 81812 自由洋妞 2011-5-31 20:07:52
[翻唱] I could be the one attachment lovelyme 2011-5-28 31449 自由洋妞 2011-5-31 17:09:00
[翻唱] According to you-----Orianthi attachment  ...2 天使艾蜜 2010-4-23 122619 geshoudongdong 2011-5-30 23:01:50
[翻唱] BORN THIS WAY - 男 yorktran 2011-5-8 11521 johs109 2011-5-30 20:19:49
[翻唱] 《gone too soon》纪念杰克逊~ attachment 天琴座 2009-10-1 71250 Xianlaijubanz 2011-5-30 20:01:01
[翻唱] 绝对强悍翻唱Michael Jackson(Unbreakable) attachment  ...2 dongdiduo 2011-2-17 142282 Xianlaijubanz 2011-5-30 19:45:20
[翻唱] 『 Eenie Meenie 』Sean Kingston ft Justin Bieber  囧囧 & 艾未来 attachment heatlevel  ...23 雷的囧囧 2010-5-14 264709 宫田宜静 2011-5-30 18:39:06
[翻唱] notgj attachment jet-fat 2011-5-30 0733 jet-fat 2011-5-30 17:00:52
[翻唱] CK联手MCBOY(JOE)翻唱KEANE的Stop for a minute(CK ft JOE) attachment mcboy 2011-5-29 41457 Schrei 2011-5-30 13:33:46
[翻唱] Lucky 一人谱两角 attachment pirake 2011-5-30 01320 pirake 2011-5-30 13:32:38
[翻唱] Chances - Five For Fighting attachment xfly 2011-5-30 01538 xfly 2011-5-30 13:01:30
[翻唱] Oasis-whatever attachment hwz1350 2011-5-22 11055 alfred911 2011-5-29 21:40:23
[翻唱] turn up the sun!!!oasis的经典,英伦的经典!! attachment  ...2 Complicated 2008-7-2 133232 alfred911 2011-5-29 21:39:01
[翻唱] 来个oasis翻唱,烂总霸气外露小情歌songbird attachment alfred911 2011-5-29 01599 alfred911 2011-5-29 19:38:05
[翻唱] The Rose 不是很懂做后期,请多多指教哦~ attachment lvtvxq 2011-5-29 01339 lvtvxq 2011-5-29 19:37:45
[翻唱] 翻唱迈克杰克逊beat it ,这原歌真好听 attachment carriey2000 2011-5-9 72748 woshihui18 2011-5-29 18:26:50
[翻唱] 纯情的Song For Whoever - The Beautiful South attachment bluegate 2011-5-29 0946 bluegate 2011-5-29 17:24:36
[翻唱] 深夜唱著the loneliness...娃哈哈哈 attachment lomuz 2011-5-23 83261 Tu2 2011-5-29 13:45:16
[翻唱] ◆埃及王子剧场版◆When you believe (feat.Sara) attachment 眞亦軒 2011-5-26 33025 眞亦軒 2011-5-28 23:02:14
[翻唱] To the end of the earth attachment Jonathan0801 2011-1-16 51822 自由洋妞 2011-5-27 14:12:06
[翻唱] ★自由人组合★A Capella串烧 布兰诗歌/Hello MJ(The Mass-Bellie Jane-Beat It-Bad attachment  ...2345 弗兰奇 2008-9-23 419766 k哥 2011-5-26 18:28:03
[翻唱] [DayT Feat. MCBoy & 暖暖] Camera Phone - The Game Feat. Ne Yo attachment  ...2 DayT 2011-5-15 174474 zorro66 2011-5-26 16:59:21
[翻唱] Photographs feat. Domian 小湿HBD attachment  ...23 weepclouds 2011-5-8 206957 azurelucid 2011-5-25 22:44:38
[翻唱] 【我还是新人吧.】暑期结束喇.就发首歌吧...bizarre love triangle... attachment heatlevel  ...2 Ivylee 2010-7-30 173288 loveaniki 2011-5-25 22:11:08
[翻唱] 翻唱Hot action cop-<Fever of the flava>这歌太HIGH了!!! attachment 魃斗妖 2011-5-24 11049 魃斗妖 2011-5-25 19:07:54
[翻唱] 翻一首冷门的Chrisette Michele的Your Joy,一首献给父母的歌 attachment 弗兰奇 2010-8-5 21433 gezhongxiaohao0 2011-5-25 12:34:33
[翻唱] Apologize---One Republic 粗喉女声版..... attachment  ...2 黑暗帝皇 2008-9-19 172967 kenlovemusic 2011-5-24 23:23:30
[翻唱] 今年最后一弹~!★很火的电音Ke$ha---Tik Tok(Feat.殺手) ★ 有点小欢乐的歌~哈哈~膜拜殺手的后期~~! attachment  ...23456 ericabreen 2009-12-7 5410529 geshoudongdong 2011-5-24 22:47:39

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