


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 别骂我WITHOUT ME----EMINEM attachment  ...23 康佛神 2007-8-21 223957 VaciAnn 2011-7-17 23:22:58
[翻唱] kill you eminem attachment 康佛神 2009-9-14 41722 VaciAnn 2011-7-17 23:13:41
[翻唱] puke eminem attachment 康佛神 2009-9-14 11027 VaciAnn 2011-7-17 23:04:21
[翻唱] get it right--GLEE--翻唱 attachment irene2070 2011-7-10 21143 irene2070 2011-7-17 20:14:16
[翻唱] [翻唱]White Horse - lovelybaby0302第一次献唱~~希望大家多多捧场~ attachment lovelybaby0302 2010-8-26 21580 女王 2011-7-17 12:16:07
[翻唱] √we belong together attachment  ...2 萧然 2007-1-28 163196 萧然 2011-7-17 01:50:05
[翻唱] √CELINE DION 经典之难翻唱版ALL BY MYSELF!!!! attachment  ...23 萧然 2007-3-19 224714 萧然 2011-7-17 01:46:00
[翻唱] 东南卫视第一季欢乐合唱团π组合夺冠!将代表中国赴意大利加尔达参加国际合唱节@@!!大家多多支持!下面送上精彩演出视频! 无病呻吟 2011-7-17 01877 无病呻吟 2011-7-17 01:08:10
[翻唱] 【抒情版】B宝的《Baby》。 attachment qq15348598 2011-7-16 31584 qq15348598 2011-7-16 20:54:03
[翻唱] 突然想到一首口水歌:Umbrella~~~~~~~~~~ attachment  ...2 cruiser 2008-10-27 142870 johnny0122 2011-7-16 20:06:01
[翻唱] 混音 翻唱 Never Say Never混音Written In The Stars attachment 小Be 2011-6-28 2952 小Be 2011-7-16 16:30:11
[翻唱] 男声闷骚翻唱布兰妮-《Breathe On Me》 attachment 英先生 2011-1-24 41305 rebel 2011-7-16 14:58:16
[翻唱] √one love - blue(好歌唱不腻,希望大家捧捧场~~) attachment  ...234 sanstone 2007-7-16 386115 sprinte 2011-7-16 14:56:26
[翻唱] 翻唱英美两国榜单热门单曲replay by iyaz attachment sanstone 2010-8-12 41819 sprinte 2011-7-16 14:51:53
[翻唱] 卷土重来.what the hell attachment Avril-lavigne.x 2011-2-10 51465 qq15348598 2011-7-16 09:21:25
[翻唱] New York New York(New_333) attachment  ...2 new_333 2009-12-28 142651 new_333 2011-7-16 09:15:17
[翻唱] 【DIRTY.GAME】MONSTA无敌Rap+Chris Brown副歌王子 attachment lilmonsta 2011-6-24 61502 usher_queen 2011-7-16 04:59:12
[翻唱] Flying Without Wings - Westlife attachment cool007zqw 2011-7-14 11386 琳猫猫 2011-7-16 04:52:07
[翻唱] 翻唱经典之作DANGEROUS【Michael Jackson】-向MJ致敬 attachment  ...2 ttnntt 2010-1-30 152951 zorro66 2011-7-16 02:56:05
[翻唱] Rix睎睎殿 Ft. Britney暖 - Love Dealer attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 睎睎 2010-6-16 7823547 bonnie1ove 2011-7-16 00:07:37
[翻唱] when you’re gone---小红莓(卡百利) attachment 梦中仙 2011-7-15 0818 梦中仙 2011-7-15 23:39:58
[翻唱] when you say nothing at all attachment fuzhen 2011-7-15 01337 fuzhen 2011-7-15 17:12:10
[翻唱] 第一次录歌,defying gravity from Glee attachment  ...2 we9999 2010-9-17 123668 new_333 2011-7-15 16:44:07
[翻唱] ★Shayne Ward-《 That's My Goal》★~~送给自己and you~~★ attachment  ...2 superlee 2009-1-20 122894 louis41424 2011-7-15 15:45:14
[翻唱] Jesse McCartney - Body Language attachment  ...2 sthwind 2009-11-3 102144 宫田宜静 2011-7-15 14:20:14
[翻唱] 翻唱:《1973——james blunt》~~~ attachment keee 2011-4-23 41746 绅士摇滚 2011-7-15 12:31:03
[翻唱] 经典boyzone《Everyday I love you》怀念初中时磁带党的日子 attachment agree  ...234 魔尊重楼 2009-8-10 396261 87503896 2011-7-15 12:00:40
[翻唱] 我个人很喜欢的<All That I Need> boyzone(女版) xiazijiang 2009-8-20 3974 87503896 2011-7-15 11:58:12
√[翻唱]boyzone经典作品《no matter what》  ...23 营养米糊 2006-7-19 296097 87503896 2011-7-15 11:57:29
[翻唱] LOVE STORY---袁尐嗲。 attachment 袁尐嗲。 2011-7-10 31495 袁尐嗲。 2011-7-14 22:52:25
[翻唱] 其实,有首歌的名字很长很长很长,真的,你懂的,就是翻唱britney spears《hold it against me》是男生的SS,名字要长得牛B!!! attachment  ...2 Mr. Mad 2011-3-7 103032 qinqinkevin 2011-7-14 22:13:41
[翻唱] 《need you now》独唱 attachment 桑夏艾 2011-7-11 71861 摩羯轮 2011-7-14 14:52:47
[翻唱] 再来一首britney 的let me be attachment  ...23 nataliel 2009-10-26 223556 kevinlymon 2011-7-14 00:52:01
[翻唱] 酷玩的《Yellow》新手~~ attachment  ...2 noah520 2008-9-15 122918 kevinlymon 2011-7-14 00:48:11
[翻唱] the show-lenka attachment  ...2 霹雳熊猫 2010-11-13 102524 show1313maggie 2011-7-13 19:59:08
[翻唱] Try It On My Own (男生即兴版) attachment 爱的和谐 2009-9-14 51420 我没有创意 2011-7-13 15:15:23
[翻唱] ★Like a star ★(第一次发歌,望多指教) attachment  ...2 reikos321 2008-11-22 132717 reikos321 2011-7-13 06:24:45
[翻唱] 『BJ』新歌快递《dondria - You're the one》,无效果版DEMO attachment  ...2 Billie.J 2010-10-20 123952 zorro66 2011-7-13 01:35:35
[翻唱] 【Sega】男版《Emotions》mariah carey 海豚音版~ attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Sega_JL 2010-1-10 6214381 zorro66 2011-7-13 01:32:22
[翻唱] 【【【Misery Business】】】--(paramore) attachment  ...2 kwan 2010-1-14 163978 kwan 2011-7-13 01:04:06

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