


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] B.O.B - Airplanes by Ellipsis feat.大咩 attachment ellipsisxl 2011-7-28 21318 AllByMyself 2011-8-17 17:43:20
[翻唱] 我把蛇舞变成英文的了,虽然歌词不是我写滴~~~ attachment TUBIG 2011-8-17 1967 TUBIG 2011-8-17 16:01:21
[翻唱] Tubig 翻唱 Love the way you lie--- Eminem TUBIG 2011-8-17 41085 TUBIG 2011-8-17 15:51:04
[翻唱] when i'm gone(Eminem)-------------TJ OCEAN attachment TJ ocean 2011-2-16 42314 TUBIG 2011-8-17 15:36:36
[翻唱] 阿姆的啊!阿姆啊!阿姆 lose yourself--eminem第一首说唱完整版。 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 TJ ocean 2010-7-20 5910183 yuehan7055 2011-8-17 13:16:02
[翻唱] 好久没发歌了,来一首经典,Circle_Marques Houston,大家节日快乐 ...! ゛奕zι.﹏胡胡 attachment huyimin159 2008-12-24 91425 251939401 2011-8-17 11:27:36
[翻唱] She's Gonna Fly(纪念2011年8月14日去世的祖母) attachment dittielight 2011-8-16 02038 dittielight 2011-8-16 22:50:57
[翻唱] Adam what ya want from me^^^^^^^^^ attachment 维维LEE 2010-6-2 82788 q277413563 2011-8-16 19:41:52
[翻唱] (会是首发吗?冷门歌= =) Red Hot Chili Peppers - <Cant stop> cover by Mes attachment agree  ...234 MesC 2009-8-18 364625 524024151 2011-8-16 16:30:24
[翻唱] Lullaby 翻唱 (终于有勇气发上来了……) attachment rosemarycui 2011-8-16 01098 rosemarycui 2011-8-16 15:48:24
[翻唱] 孤独岛 - I JUST HAD SEX DEMO 等空了会更新完整版 attachment kamikaze2007 2011-8-16 11198 太空步狂人 2011-8-16 12:19:02
[翻唱] 翻唱 My Heart Will Go On (: attachment IngridSV 2011-8-9 41794 kenlovemusic 2011-8-16 02:09:00
[翻唱] 向高手们致敬的S&M attachment  ...2 sprinte 2011-6-25 103631 sprinte 2011-8-15 18:56:59
[翻唱] 原创,自己beat伴奏! attachment zjqrimckb 2011-8-15 0840 zjqrimckb 2011-8-15 18:25:08
[翻唱] 翻唱 moon river attachment 92star 2011-8-15 01080 92star 2011-8-15 18:01:01
[公告] 求EMINEM的so bad的原版伴奏啊!!!!!!!!!!!! TUBIG 2011-8-15 01274 TUBIG 2011-8-15 16:27:18
[翻唱] Up out of my face----自己很喜欢,但是感觉很难唱的一首歌!! attachment cravenspice 2010-4-19 71568 宫田宜静 2011-8-15 10:21:48
[翻唱] falling slowly-xiao.k&七七 attachment agree  ...2 332990303 2009-7-4 142671 cxccisvip 2011-8-15 04:45:07
[翻唱] White Horse 没有白马王子也可以活得很好. attachment seraphc 2011-8-14 01090 seraphc 2011-8-14 18:16:43
[翻唱] The Messenger- LP最抒情的歌啦 attachment hwz1350 2011-8-13 21297 mandonggua 2011-8-14 16:25:21
[翻唱] 音乐电影Once主题曲 - Falling Slowly attachment 三角函数 2008-8-27 71320 fuzhen 2011-8-14 16:16:52
[翻唱] 翻唱小半段 straight through my heart -bsb attachment FOXnicky 2009-9-14 82236 mandonggua 2011-8-14 15:43:55
[翻唱] 【Unchained Melody】by声涛 attachment 声涛 2010-1-13 41712 mandonggua 2011-8-14 15:43:04
[翻唱] Once - falling slowly by Mes ft.洋介 (祝小绫生日快乐XD attachment heatlevel  ...23 MesC 2010-7-13 205258 mandonggua 2011-8-14 15:25:54
[翻唱] Sailing-Avant attachment Ja`E 2009-2-19 11526 yangfang7617 2011-8-14 15:18:56
[翻唱] 发一个EMINEM的I NEED A DOCTOR 分享一下 attachment cemike 2011-8-14 0702 cemike 2011-8-14 14:45:46
[翻唱] FALLING SLOWLY onceOST 有点抖的外录噪音版。。。。 attachment tocohrin 2010-2-1 41752 pxywow 2011-8-14 12:51:22
[翻唱] 白白 Falling Slowly-Glen 请支持新人= =! attachment heatlevel  ...2345 淡白 2010-3-4 428089 pxywow 2011-8-14 12:51:00
[翻唱] Falling slowly ~~找不到原版伴奏 自己录的和声~woohoo~~ attachment lionbee1 2010-3-24 21806 pxywow 2011-8-14 12:49:02
[翻唱] falling slowly吉他弹唱 attachment  ...2 戴司 2009-9-30 173125 pxywow 2011-8-14 12:47:51
√[翻唱]come on over baby... =='  ...23456..8 我是你快乐的鱼 2006-10-3 7816049 自由洋妞 2011-8-14 12:42:43
[翻唱] Justin Bieber - Baby 超可爱超好听的新单喔~ attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 sthwind 2010-2-25 7014736 自由洋妞 2011-8-14 12:40:50
[翻唱] Rihanna-take a bow attachment  ...2 GUCCI530 2011-5-11 153337 自由洋妞 2011-8-14 12:40:06
[翻唱] Jennifer Lopez - Brave - Irenesu翻唱 attachment irenesu 2011-8-13 01176 irenesu 2011-8-13 20:55:12
[翻唱] 参加环球公司比赛选拔前的试水~ <FEARLESS> frm Taylor Swift attachment seraphc 2011-8-2 82043 seraphc 2011-8-13 20:08:00
[翻唱] Fearless,这次轮到Taylor Swift 啦。。 attachment sunfine 2011-8-13 11234 sunfine 2011-8-13 13:55:54
[翻唱] 男声版的《innocent》 attachment qq15348598 2011-8-8 21444 qq15348598 2011-8-13 13:51:11
[翻唱] BUTTERFLY FY AWAY(女声翻唱。BY BIGRED) attachment bigred 2011-8-13 0707 bigred 2011-8-13 13:49:40
[翻唱] 猜不透(女生翻唱。BY BIGRED) attachment bigred 2011-8-13 31089 VaciAnn 2011-8-13 13:41:10
[翻唱] 好久前翻的fuckin perfect ,拿出来晒晒 attachment sunfine 2011-8-13 21201 sunfine 2011-8-13 13:30:34

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