


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] √NOBODY'S HOME降小六度男声没唱完二次后期修正版 -风WIND attachment  ...2 风WIND 2007-3-20 123625 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:24:39
[翻唱] one love(抗爱滋公益广告) attachment kissingboy 2007-3-26 72097 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:21:50
[翻唱] √eyes on me..王菲。翻唱 attachment  ...2 cappuccinos.m 2007-2-28 133341 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:18:14
[翻唱] √bambi的摇滚重生,男版call me when you sober(传上了) attachment bambipink 2007-3-23 92381 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:14:59
[翻唱] 布布的 The Hook Up attachment ft83120 2007-3-24 11733 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:12:49
[翻唱] FOR MC-Dont forget about us完整版 attachment 维蓓蓓sabrina 2007-3-21 72570 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:09:34
[翻唱] √It's all coming back to me now attachment 爱乐2005 2007-3-21 52204 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:53:20
[翻唱] 首次翻MC LOOKING IN(老哥MS翻过) attachment  ...2 cappuccinos.m 2007-3-21 102622 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:48:32
[翻唱] Dreams(翻唱The Corrs的经典作品) attachment jerljerl 2007-3-21 72590 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:46:42
[翻唱] Adrian attachment jerljerl 2007-3-21 41997 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:41:19
[翻唱] 重新录制了Brad Paisley的Celebrity,幽默的表达了成名后的尖酸!! attachment  ...2 owen龙 2007-3-19 133408 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:39:54
[翻唱] 生命要继续remix Eminem lose yourself attachment  ...2 smallpotato 2007-2-6 144075 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:36:35
[翻唱] √MC---《Lead the way》-----试录了一段 attachment  ...2 stepd27 2007-3-18 183455 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:28:57
[翻唱] 第一次尝试舞曲和电音麦姐Get Together attachment  ...2 stefanyoung 2007-3-16 102769 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:26:38
[翻唱] √终于回归CA------《Beautiful》-----走老歌路线~~! attachment  ...2 stepd27 2007-3-16 133298 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:25:37
[翻唱] √阿姆经典lose yourself attachment  ...2 smallpotato 2007-2-25 144464 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:24:07
[翻唱] √WHEN I SAW YOU attachment  ...2 萧然 2007-1-28 134011 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:22:26
[翻唱] ★★★吟游演绎,经典Jazz----L-O-V-E attachment  ...2 dondonfish 2007-2-17 113236 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:21:04
[翻唱] COLDPLAY《the science》玩具话筒翻唱版 attachment CREEPREN 2007-3-11 52159 strongm0002 2019-8-12 00:18:55
[翻唱] Get Right attachment jerljerl 2007-3-20 42075 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:55:27
[翻唱] √经典的不能再经典的老歌-----《hero》-----七扭八扭版 attachment  ...23 stepd27 2007-3-8 285157 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:52:20
[翻唱] shape送STEPD27弟弟宿舍那位仁兄 就是那位喜欢STING的 对就是你 attachment 熊猫奶爸 2007-3-18 71935 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:48:43
[翻唱] i begin to wonder 的疯狂青蛙混音版 attachment jet-fat 2007-4-6 52154 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:46:01
[翻唱] Everytime---Miki 录了第1段 attachment  ...2 光希Miki 2007-4-1 113124 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:44:32
[翻唱] 邀你共舞 i begin to wonder 大走性感路线 attachment jet-fat 2007-4-4 41703 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:39:46
[翻唱] √【发骚*】…★…除了尽量装骚俺没话可说~~"Sexy Back" …★…(喘气版) attachment  ...2 白色夹竹桃 2007-3-12 114414 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:34:33
[翻唱] From now on attachment jerljerl 2007-3-19 31971 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:31:57
[翻唱] √【发骚】…★…除了尽量装骚俺没话可说~~"LondonBridge"…★…(撅屁股版) attachment  ...2 白色夹竹桃 2007-3-12 103705 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:27:37
[翻唱] 翻唱 sarah-beautfull 优男生 2007-3-18 42344 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:25:12
[翻唱] √ALLRISE attachment dgtony168 2007-3-17 61836 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:23:35
[翻唱] 【装酷】…★…除了尽量装酷俺没话可说~~"HollaBackGirl" …★…(现场版) attachment 白色夹竹桃 2007-3-12 62669 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:21:11
√[翻唱]Memory!!(from 音乐剧《猫》)-----倾情演绎.....  ...2 stepd27 2006-12-10 174185 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:17:47
[翻唱] MY LOVE attachment dgtony168 2007-3-17 21605 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:12:50
√[翻唱]大家圣诞快乐 发一首MY IMMORTAL 纪念一个人的圣诞节  ...2 stefanyoung 2006-12-24 163634 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:10:07
[翻唱] 我也是新人!! attachment 112209647 2007-3-17 31943 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:06:44
[翻唱] √★MPT★Space - When you say nothing at all 给3月生日的兄弟姐妹 attachment bluespace123 2007-3-16 72149 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:02:54
[翻唱] 发首POP 911 - How do you want me to love U attachment  ...2 三角函数 2007-3-13 163858 strongm0002 2019-8-11 23:01:07
[翻唱] 想知道成名的感觉吗?听听Brad Paisley的CELEBRITY owen龙 2007-3-12 41773 strongm0002 2019-8-11 22:59:44
[翻唱] 最新男生版<SLAVE>自己合声,祝福布布回归!~ attachment boding 2007-3-13 11626 strongm0002 2019-8-11 22:58:08
[翻唱] 泡芙考试帖~考试给俺无限^SCAR^HISSY HIGGINS~ attachment  ...2 泡芙爱猴子 2007-1-13 173125 strongm0002 2019-8-11 22:56:57

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